Testbench in Combinationl Circuit
To use a testbench in a combinational circuit, you need to follow these steps:
1. We must have a VHDL code that to be tested.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity UUT is
port (
input_signal1 : in std_logic;
input_signal2 : in std_logic;
output_signal1 : out std_logic;
output_signal2 : out std_logic
end UUT;
architecture rtl of UUT is
output_signal1 <= input_signal1 and input_signal2;
output_signal2 <= input_signal1 or input_signal2;
end rtl;
2. Create a testbench for the UUT.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity testbench is
end testbench;
architecture tb_arch of testbench is
signal input_signal1 : std_logic;
signal input_signal2 : std_logic;
signal output_signal1 : std_logic;
signal output_signal2 : std_logic;
component UUT
port (
input_signal1 : in std_logic;
input_signal2 : in std_logic;
output_signal1 : out std_logic;
output_signal2 : out std_logic
end component;
UUT_inst : UUT
port map (
input_signal1 => input_signal1,
input_signal2 => input_signal2,
output_signal1 => output_signal1,
output_signal2 => output_signal2
-- Apply stimulus to the UUT
input_signal1 <= '0';
input_signal2 <= '1';
-- Monitor the output signals of the UUT
wait for 10 ns;
assert output_signal1 = '0' and output_signal2 = '1'
report "Test failed"
severity error;
end process;
end tb_arch;
Things to note
- The testbench instantiates the UUT and connects the input and output signals.
- Entity block in testbench is empty because we are not using any ports.
- Entity block from UUT re-typed inside architecture block of testbench, entity keyword changed to component keyword.
- Signal input and output signals are declared in the architecture block of the testbench.
- Value changes are applied to the input signals with desired delays.